Master of Advanced Studies in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

(Director: Prof. med. dent. Dr. med. dent. Dr. h.c. Christos Katsaros, PhD)

The 4-year structured full-time program (240 ECTS), based on the regulations on the continuing education program for the Award of a Master of advanced studies in a specialized field of dentistry, offers dentists in-depth scientific and comprehensive clinical continuing education in orthodontics. The program follows the Erasmus guidelines developed by the Network of Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Programs (NEBEOP) - Erasmus Programme.pdf - and includes a total of 6,800 hours of continuing education, mainly comprising the following activities:

  • Clinical (and pre-clinical) practical activity
  • Analysis records of patients to be treated
  • Case planning and treatment evaluation sessions
  • Lectures, seminars and workshops
  • Research project
  • Teaching of dental students


The training course is:

  • Is recognized as “FULL MEMBER OF NEBEOP”
  • Accredited in accordance with the requirements of the federal law on University Medical Professions and thus leads to the federal title "Specialist Dentist for Orthodontics".

Further information

Teaching language



In September of each odd-numbered year

Deadline for applications

1 to 30 September of the year preceding the year of taking up the post.
(Next deadline: 01.09.2024 - 30.09.2024 for the 2025 - 2029 program).


  • Master of Dental Medicine and Federal Diploma in Dentistry or an equivalent foreign title.
  • Completed dissertation (Dr. med. dent. or Ph.D.).
  • At least 1 year of professional experience in general dentistry.

Application documents

1. Letter of application
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Educational certificates (diploma, supplements/mark sheets)
4. Employer references
5. Certificates for further education and training
6. List of publications (if available)
7. references/letters of recommendation

Only complete application documents will be considered.

Application address

Clinic for Orthodontics, management secretariat, Freiburgstrasse 7, 3010 Bern