(Director: Prof. med. dent. Dr. med. dent. Dr. h.c. Christos Katsaros, PhD)
The 4-year structured full-time program (240 ECTS), based on the regulations on the continuing education program for the Award of a Master of advanced studies in a specialized field of dentistry, offers dentists in-depth scientific and comprehensive clinical continuing education in orthodontics. The program follows the Erasmus guidelines developed by the Network of Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Programs (NEBEOP) - Erasmus Programme.pdf - and includes a total of 6,800 hours of continuing education, mainly comprising the following activities:
- Clinical (and pre-clinical) practical activity
- Analysis records of patients to be treated
- Case planning and treatment evaluation sessions
- Lectures, seminars and workshops
- Research project
- Teaching of dental students
The training course is:
- Is recognized as “FULL MEMBER OF NEBEOP”
- Accredited in accordance with the requirements of the federal law on University Medical Professions and thus leads to the federal title "Specialist Dentist for Orthodontics".